Friday, June 27, 2008

[Berita Harian Online]

Here's the online article.

Permata Hati: Muzik mampu satukan Elijah, Ariel

Oleh Nor Afzan Mohamad Yusof
SAMA TAK SERUPA: Retna dan Tan bersama anak kembar mereka yang meminati muzik.

Kembar seiras sama minat tetapi tidak sependapat

MINAT dan kecenderungan pasangan kembar selalu digambarkan sama. Sekiranya si abang gemar warna putih, maka si adik juga gemarkan rona sama. Nyata itu hanyalah khayalan bagi pasangan kembar Elijah Tan Zhen Yi dan Ariel Tan Zhen Qiang, tujuh tahun yang nyata tidak pernah meminati satu perkara sama walaupun mereka kembar seiras.

Ibunya, Retna Vijayan, 37 dan bapanya Samuel Tan, 34 menyatakan, sungguhpun seronok memiliki anak kembar, gelagat si kecil yang lasak dan sering bertelagah menjadikan mereka berasakan dua sudah cukup menyemarakkan hidup mereka biarpun dianggap masih ‘kosong’ kerana tidak mempunyai anak perempuan.

Retna berkata, kalau diikutkan hatinya, mahu saja menjerit setiap kali anak mereka bertelagah sekiranya berebut permainan atau memilih lokasi untuk makan, tetapi selalunya ditenangkan oleh suaminya yang nyata lebih sabar berbanding dirinya.

“Elijah dan Ariel wajahnya cukup seiras, dan saya memikirkan mengikut pengalaman orang lain anak berwajah sama mempunyai kecenderungan sama, jarang bergaduh dan sebagainya, saya berasa lega. Tetapi nyata apa yang berlaku kepada kembar saya berbeza. Sedapat mungkin mereka ‘tidak akan bersatu hati’. Sebagai contoh kalau yang sulung, Elijah, ingin menikmati sajian di kafe A, Ariel pula akan menyatakan tidak mahu dan ingin ke kafe B.

“Begitu juga ketika ingin menghadiri sesi fotografi ini. Sejak malam sebelumnya, Elijah begitu gembira dan menonjolkan kepada saya bagaimana beliau ingin beraksi depan kamera, sebaliknya Ariel hanya menunjukkan rasa bosan dan enggan menghadiri sesi ini, hanya kerana abangnya suka,” katanya.

Sesi bergambar itu juga memaksa Tan mengambil kira-kira 30 minit memujuk si adik beraksi depan kamera. Itupun bila Elijah elok memberikan gaya depan kamera, Ariel pula yang menunjukkan aksi sebaliknya, dan begitulah sepanjang berlangsung sesi bergambar kembar berkenaan.

Retna berkata, sungguhpun mereka selalu berbalah, tetapi dalam bab muzik, mereka memang juaranya. Masing-masing meminati muzik dan hanya muzik yang dapat menyatukan mereka. Minatnya terhadap muzik tertumpah menerusi bapanya yang minat bermain gitar sejak berada di bangku sekolah lagi.

“Ketika mereka kecil suami akan bermain gitar, si kembar selalunya akan duduk atas riba Tan. Apa saja yang ada rentak pasti si kembar ini suka. Menyedari hal itu menyebabkan kami berdua bertindak menghantar ke kelas muzik pada usia kira-kira empat atau lima tahun. Tetapi guru muzik berkenaan menyatakan sekiranya ingin menghantar ke kelas muzik, pastikan usia kanak-kanak berkenaan sekurang-kurang enam tahun.

“Ini kerana sekiranya terlalu kecil, dikhuatiri jarinya sukar untuk bermain muzik. Hingga kini mereka berkemampuan bermain gitar, biola dan drum. Mendorong minatnya itu saya membeli gitar dan biola supaya mereka lebih cepat pandai, tetapi set drum belum sempat saya beli kerana ia agak mahal,” katanya yang menyatakan anaknya boleh bermain banyak lagu termasuk ‘romance d’amor’.

Mengulas mengenai kelahiran kembar berkenaan, Retna berkata, beliau melalui kaedah kelahiran secara pembedahan pada usia kandungan lapan bulan dua minggu dan sepanjang tempoh kehamilan, beliau tidak mengalami sebarang kesukaran, kecuali pada tempoh beberapa hari terakhir sebelum bersalin kerana perlu berbaring tanpa bangun di katil hospital selama dua hari kerana sudah berasakan kontraksi sedangkan tempoh ditetapkan belum sampai.

Katanya, antara pengalaman yang tidak dilupakan hamil kembar, sudah pastinya mengenai berat badannya yang bertambah secara drastik daripada 57 kilogram sebelum hamil ke 105 kilogram. Sayangnya hingga kini tubuhnya agak sukar untuk kembali kepada berat sebelum hamil walaupun sudah melalui pelbagai perkara.

Anak bongsu daripada lapan beradik, Retna berkata, beliau mendapat kembar daripada sebelah ibunya. Ibu saudaranya yang kini berusia lingkungan 80 tahun, bukan saja memiliki 16 orang anak, tetapi berpengalaman melalui dua kali kelahiran kembar dua dan sekali kembar tiga.

Sayangnya daripada jumlah berkenaan hanya sembilan saja yang hidup hingga dewasa, selebihnya meninggal dunia beberapa hari atau bulan dilahirkan, mungkin juga kerana tahap kesihatan penjagaan ibu dan anak yang masih rendah pada ketika itu.

“Dalam ramai adik beradik, hanya saya yang ada kembar. Walaupun adik beradik lain menyatakan rasa cemburunya kepada kami, apabila melihat kerenah lasak mereka berdua, mereka terpaksa bersyukur saja dengan apa yang dimilikinya itu,” katanya tersenyum manis.

Menyentuh mengenai anaknya yang tidak fasih berbahasa Melayu, Retna berkata, keadaan itu berlaku kerana sebelum berpindah ke Puchong beliau menetap di Kuala Lumpur dengan dikelilingi jiran tetangga yang semuanya terdiri daripada warga luar yang menyebabkan anaknya perlu berbahasa Inggeris.

“Sejak berpindah ke Puchong, Selangor, saya dapati bersekolah berhampiran rumah lebih baik daripada yang terlalu jauh, lantas menghantarnya ke Sekolah Kebangsaan Jenis Cina Ladang Harcroft, Puchong. Bercampur dengan rakan-rakan Cina menjadikan beliau amat fasih berbahasa Cina dan Inggeris.

“Sungguhpun tidak begitu lancar berbahasa Melayu, tetapi saya percaya mereka faham kerana sebelum ini juga pembantu rumah saya daripada keturunan Indonesia. Lagipun bahasa Melayu tidak terlalu sukar dipelajari dan saya yakin lambat laun mereka akan tahu juga,” katanya.

[Berita Harian] Muzik Mampu Satukan Elijah, Ariel

Did not plan for this, thought it was a minor photoshoot for our kids @ Berita Harian, it turned out to be an article....

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Gathering, Gathering Not?

BTW, I think the cancellation is a bit "potong stim"....

Shall we just have small group meet like makan-makan?

Suggest we could makan at Food Republic Pavilion KL, very nice environment, reasonable price.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sat Gathering

Got a call from See Khoon during lunch that to defer the gathering to July. He also suggested that to have the gathering at a park or alike instead so to entertain the children. :-) Good thoughts See Khoon.

Please share with us for more details later.

But, I think regular gathering like two or three families can go on this month if you guys have the time on Sat. I am around most of the time.

Just mid July to beginning of Aug, we will be involved in the Malakoff University Duathlon Series 2008.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This Saturday, June 21, 2008? [Updated]

Thanks Hoi Yan for fast response.

Just remember that we have a children sex education seminar to attend @ 6pm. But, no worry. We could skip that so we could meet!

Will post the address + map up soon.

Monday, June 16, 2008

This Saturday, June 21, 2008?

Shall we just have a short makan-makan this Saturday?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Scott S10, Finally

Size view.

Official shot.

Finally got the Scott S10 from Bike Pro on Wednesday. Went there during office hours & thought would be quiet, easier to find one bike that suits me. However, the place was packed with road bikers, mountain bikers.

It is a scaled down version with tyres and gear changed, so that I could get it at a lower price. Inflation & price hike, got to spend carefully.

rear light for night cycling.

CATEYE wireless speedometer that tells time, distance, speed etc.

Shimano gear for the front.

Got the L size frame.

Been going on a ride with Retna around our house. Quite dangerous as have to watch out for cars, "blind" & arrogant drivers.

Really looking forward to MUDS.

Friday, June 13, 2008

I DU, Do You?

Have decided to participate in the duathlon open series for the first time. It involves running, cycling & then running.

Not too sure whether to do July 19, 26 or Aug 2....

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Let's Start Small?

Looks like the favourite date is on the 3rd Sat of June.

If let say not everyone can make it, you are more than welcome to come our home at any Saturday for hang out, chat & let the kids to play.

What you say?

Monday, June 9, 2008

Quite Fun Time @ Sentosa Island

Traveled with Aeroline for the first time, tag line "The Convenient Way to FLY". Packaged as an aircraft concept with in-house entertainment & F&B.

However, not the best way, if traveling with our two boys who are unable to sleep throughout the journey and kept on asking us, "are we there yet?"

When we decided to ignored them, they approached the steward & driver the same question. They seems quite patience in answering their request.

Lunch @ Food Republic. A food emporium which is also available in Pavilion KL

Reached Singapore at 2:30pm, exactly 5 hours. You now know why I said not the best way to travel when young kids. Stopped at Harbour Front of which is also the place where Star Cruises are. We then walked over to Vivo City for late lunch @ Food Republic. Good selection of food, but mainly local cuisine. Ariel & Elijah are Toast Box's fans. Tried hard to convinced them to try other thing as TB is available in KL. Anyway, Retna & I had the beef noodles, pork ball noodles and Fried Hokkien Mee.
Ariel holding on to the bar while the monorail moved.

Elijah wondering around bored & tired after the long traveling.

We then asked around for assistance on how to get to Sentosa Island. Anyway, it was quite easy, just took the Monorail or Sentosa Express at Vico City [next to Food Republic]. If you are guests of hotels or resorts, you got to ride the Monorail FOC. Otherwise it is SGD3.

Arrived at Beach Station and could not wait for the beach trams especially under the hot sun, we opt for Sentosa shuttle bus instead. However, we have to walk for about 15mins after we got off the bus stop.

View from the room, facing the Sentosa's famous Siloso Beach. Just found out it is a place of young male & female hang outs. Will check whether this is the place where gay/lesbian party held.

Quite a nice walk although it was under the hot sun as we were ushered by the deep forest filled with trees [despite Elijah whining throughout the walk]......

Walkway to reception @ Siloso Beach Resort, what do you think? Quite green?

Once arrived, our children immediately told us that they need to be refreshed. I asked them do they need a bath? They told me, "we need to swim,"

About 5 storey of hotel rooms. Quite occupancy during the school holiday.

After the swim, we again walked back to the bus station & went back to Vivo City for the first round of shopping hunt. :-)

More, later.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Just got back from the Sentosa Island, Singapore; we were there for the school holiday - Thur - Sat. So can have Sun for rest or recover before the school & back to work.

Will post more later. Downloading & organsing the pictures now.

BTW, may I know how many could come for the gathering & no. of pax? Can I suggest you leave the comment here?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

3rd Sat 第三个星期六?

Wow, everyone seems to be growing well [I mean business & career]..... So busy.

3rd Sat seems to be the preference as of now.... Will decide the actual date later this week, ok?

BTW, good to see so many of you checking this site for the information. Any suggestions on what else to include here?

Monday, June 2, 2008

Gathering Update 1

There has been mixture of date preference - either 2nd or 3rd week of June.... Can we have a poll? :-)

Nasi Kerabu

Pix of how nasi kerabu looks like. I will find out from the seller how much is the price per pax.

Don't worry if you do not like beef, we can also ask for chicken [grilled, fried, curry etc] or fish, even mutton.

[pix courtesy of]

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