Sunday, September 28, 2008


Unofficial Website of SMTM

Do you know there is actually a unofficial website of SMTM?  It has almost all information related to SMTM but I think last updated was 2005.  Well, look at it this way, at least our school is online [or not]!

Monday, September 15, 2008

New Blog

Thought about it for a while and think it is a better approach to have a separate blog for myself instead of publishing every single thing on this dedicated SMTM92 blog.

So not really a spin off, but a birth of my personal blog -

So, SMTM92 would remain active for all of us who are from SMTM92 science stream.

Cheerio and live on!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Barenaked Ladies [Not What You Think] Snack Time

Saw this album in Amazon and was curious about Barenaked Ladies actually producing a children's album. So, decided to give it a try. To my surprise, the children and Retna love this album. Why? The rhythm and lyrics just go together so well, you probably not getting tired to listen to it over and over again.

The album began with 7 8 9, I thought what alphabet song is that. Later was pointed my English teacher Retna that it means seven ate nine.

This is the first time the band produced a children's album, mainly because the band members want something that their kids would like other than Black Eye Peas, The Beatles and other pop and rock music. There is also a A B C alphabet song of which it is different from the apple, boy, cat thingy.

The recommended songs that I am sure your kids would love them are 7 8 9, The Ninjas, Pollywog in a Bog [about frog], Vegetable Town and Bad Day.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What Our Kids Are Listening....

Violet Hill was first introduced as the single for Viva La Vida before the full album was introduced in late August. Our kids began to like Coldplay since A Rush of Blood to the Head, specifically Politik and God Put a Smile On Your Face.

Coldplay, a critic-proof band from United Kingdom. Began to pay some attention when the lead vocalist Chris Martin married Gwyneth Paltrow, the Oscar best actress and also the lead actress in Seven with Brat Pitt.

Anyway, kids have been listening to the album, among their favorites are Viva La Vida and Violet Hill. Both the songs have started both of them to spend quite some time on the Wikipedia researching topics such as wars, Roman soldiers, Napolean etc.

The album could hear a refreshing rythm of which unlike Coldplay's former albums. Supposed Brian Eno, the producer would have un-Coldplay them in order to produce this album.

Read the TIME interview for details.

Give this album a try today.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Full Moon + House Warming by Hoe

Olivia's full moon and Hoe's house warming on Sunday, September 7, 2008; well attended by most SMTM 92's classmates.

Off course, we are also graced by the presence of many kids - age, about a month to 9 or 10 years.

You can view the slide shows of pictures taken.

Decided to post them up first in case would be busy next few weeks.

Good to see you all again, cheers & good night.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Full Moon Get Together @ Mun Hoe's

Mun Hoe and family have invited all to their new home on Sunday, Sep 7, 08. Time and excat venue to be advised.

To RSVP and for more details, you could SMS or call Mun Hoe at 012.339.6548.

Plan A
1. Enter from behind Tmn Segar Petronas gas station. Follow Econsave signboard go uphill. You will see
apartment on the left and right.
2. Go straight uphill and follow Econsave signboard and go downhill for about 2 km.
3. You will see Tmn Segar Jaya 2 ahead and turn right to enter Jalan Segar Perdana.
4. On the main road, a row of shop lot on the right and 7-eleven shop.
5. Opposite the 7-eleven, there is a T-junction. Turn left at the T-junction.
6. Go straight and you can see Bukit Hatamas arch. Go down hill and enter into the taman.
7. Stop at guard house and tell them that you attend a party at BH 1/5.
8. Go straight from the guard house to the end of the road, turn left.
9. BH 1/5 is the last row of the houses, turn left.

Plan B
1. On Cheras-Kajang highway, after passing Petronas Gas station at the left. Exit to Tmn Cuepecs. Do not pass
through the toll.
2. You will see Pasukan Gerakan Am on the left, go straight and follow Econsave and Bukit Hatamas sign board.
Go uphill and you can see double terrace house on the left, bungalow on the right.
3. Reaching T-junction, turn left and go straight.
4. At the second T-junction, turn left and go uphill. You will see Segar Perdana at the left.
5. Go downhill follow Econsave signboard. Turn left at 3rd T-junction.
6. Econsave located at the right and one row of shop-lot on the left.
7. Look for Hainan Chicken Restaurant at the right side and turn right.
8. Go straight and you can see Bukit Hatamas arch. Go down hill and enter into the taman.
7. Stop at guard house and tell them that you attend a party at BH 1/5.
8. Go straight from the guard house to the end of the road, turn left.
9. BH 1/5 is the last row of the houses, turn left.


Sunday, July 27, 2008


不知不觉已到了第二关,还有一个duathlon series而已。



Friday, July 25, 2008

2 More to Go






Monday, July 21, 2008

First Experience of Duathlon

My bike, taken at the transition area

The starting line, with more than 200 participants. You can't see me here as I was at the back. Letting the experienced runners to go first

After 3km of running, I was on the bike. Please excuse my "spare tyres"

Never have thought that would have opportunity like this in a lifetime. I suppose when it came, I just have to grab it without thinking about the "consequences". Anyway, not that there will be bad things happened, just minor things such as body aching & extremely tired.....

We first flagged off at 9am for the first 3km run before 16km of cycling, then another 3km of running.

I did the first two with the another 1.5km on walking instead of running.

Completed the entire course in 1hr 24mins. The winner was 40mins.

The bike has been sent for warranty claim as the front gear shifter refused to work. Just hope that could get it back before this Saturday.

Also a good time for me to practice & improve my running.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Tomorrow, D-Day

Tomorrow will be the first dualthlon event of my life.

Not much preparation as busy with work, so do with what I could do.

First leg is UKM, Bangi @ 6:30am. If have time, come for support. :-)

Friday, July 4, 2008

Makeover, Anyone?

Ok guys, I know. This sounds weird but it is not a scam.

But I think it is a good opportunity for you to experience some make-over, if you are keen. This is for our client's latest project. They are searching for regular persons instead of celebrities.

Brief information
Are you getting tired of your same old looks?
If you want to update your looks but don’t know how, here is the chance for you to go from Drab to Fab!

We are looking for 4 people to come as they are, and receive FREE make-over styling and grooming makeovers including hair, skin and make-up care. The chosen four will be featured in magazines and newspapers!

Talent 1: Female, 18-21 years
Talent 2: Female, 23-35 years
Talent 3: Male, 25-35 years
Talent 4: Female, 35-46 years

How to be in the running for the makeover?
All submissions should be sent to by Sunday 20 July, 2008
Please include your details (Full Name, Age, Occupation, Location and Contact Details) and 2 photographs of you, one full body and one half body. Make sure your face can be clearly seen in the photos!

Things to know
Our stylists will decide on what works best for each participant – this includes colours, contouring, cuts, clothes
You need to sign a release form – if you don’t like the way you look after the makeover, you can’t come after our stylists!
You also need to agree to being featured in magazines etc before the makeover begins
Makeovers take time – you might need to take 1 day leave
The makeover session will be held in Klang Valley. Getting to the location is at your own cost – not a bad deal since the service is free!
We will only contact short listed candidates – if we don’t contact you, its probably because you look pretty darn good as you are :-)

Interested? It's easy to start. Just e-mail your information and brief information about yourself to


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Alternative Gathering

See Khoon came out with a great gathering idea - Lake Garden or alike with breakfast, games & get together.


Firefox 3 World Guiness Record

I downloaded because like Firefox.

BTW, you can also get your certificate here. :-)

Friday, June 27, 2008

[Berita Harian Online]

Here's the online article.

Permata Hati: Muzik mampu satukan Elijah, Ariel

Oleh Nor Afzan Mohamad Yusof
SAMA TAK SERUPA: Retna dan Tan bersama anak kembar mereka yang meminati muzik.

Kembar seiras sama minat tetapi tidak sependapat

MINAT dan kecenderungan pasangan kembar selalu digambarkan sama. Sekiranya si abang gemar warna putih, maka si adik juga gemarkan rona sama. Nyata itu hanyalah khayalan bagi pasangan kembar Elijah Tan Zhen Yi dan Ariel Tan Zhen Qiang, tujuh tahun yang nyata tidak pernah meminati satu perkara sama walaupun mereka kembar seiras.

Ibunya, Retna Vijayan, 37 dan bapanya Samuel Tan, 34 menyatakan, sungguhpun seronok memiliki anak kembar, gelagat si kecil yang lasak dan sering bertelagah menjadikan mereka berasakan dua sudah cukup menyemarakkan hidup mereka biarpun dianggap masih ‘kosong’ kerana tidak mempunyai anak perempuan.

Retna berkata, kalau diikutkan hatinya, mahu saja menjerit setiap kali anak mereka bertelagah sekiranya berebut permainan atau memilih lokasi untuk makan, tetapi selalunya ditenangkan oleh suaminya yang nyata lebih sabar berbanding dirinya.

“Elijah dan Ariel wajahnya cukup seiras, dan saya memikirkan mengikut pengalaman orang lain anak berwajah sama mempunyai kecenderungan sama, jarang bergaduh dan sebagainya, saya berasa lega. Tetapi nyata apa yang berlaku kepada kembar saya berbeza. Sedapat mungkin mereka ‘tidak akan bersatu hati’. Sebagai contoh kalau yang sulung, Elijah, ingin menikmati sajian di kafe A, Ariel pula akan menyatakan tidak mahu dan ingin ke kafe B.

“Begitu juga ketika ingin menghadiri sesi fotografi ini. Sejak malam sebelumnya, Elijah begitu gembira dan menonjolkan kepada saya bagaimana beliau ingin beraksi depan kamera, sebaliknya Ariel hanya menunjukkan rasa bosan dan enggan menghadiri sesi ini, hanya kerana abangnya suka,” katanya.

Sesi bergambar itu juga memaksa Tan mengambil kira-kira 30 minit memujuk si adik beraksi depan kamera. Itupun bila Elijah elok memberikan gaya depan kamera, Ariel pula yang menunjukkan aksi sebaliknya, dan begitulah sepanjang berlangsung sesi bergambar kembar berkenaan.

Retna berkata, sungguhpun mereka selalu berbalah, tetapi dalam bab muzik, mereka memang juaranya. Masing-masing meminati muzik dan hanya muzik yang dapat menyatukan mereka. Minatnya terhadap muzik tertumpah menerusi bapanya yang minat bermain gitar sejak berada di bangku sekolah lagi.

“Ketika mereka kecil suami akan bermain gitar, si kembar selalunya akan duduk atas riba Tan. Apa saja yang ada rentak pasti si kembar ini suka. Menyedari hal itu menyebabkan kami berdua bertindak menghantar ke kelas muzik pada usia kira-kira empat atau lima tahun. Tetapi guru muzik berkenaan menyatakan sekiranya ingin menghantar ke kelas muzik, pastikan usia kanak-kanak berkenaan sekurang-kurang enam tahun.

“Ini kerana sekiranya terlalu kecil, dikhuatiri jarinya sukar untuk bermain muzik. Hingga kini mereka berkemampuan bermain gitar, biola dan drum. Mendorong minatnya itu saya membeli gitar dan biola supaya mereka lebih cepat pandai, tetapi set drum belum sempat saya beli kerana ia agak mahal,” katanya yang menyatakan anaknya boleh bermain banyak lagu termasuk ‘romance d’amor’.

Mengulas mengenai kelahiran kembar berkenaan, Retna berkata, beliau melalui kaedah kelahiran secara pembedahan pada usia kandungan lapan bulan dua minggu dan sepanjang tempoh kehamilan, beliau tidak mengalami sebarang kesukaran, kecuali pada tempoh beberapa hari terakhir sebelum bersalin kerana perlu berbaring tanpa bangun di katil hospital selama dua hari kerana sudah berasakan kontraksi sedangkan tempoh ditetapkan belum sampai.

Katanya, antara pengalaman yang tidak dilupakan hamil kembar, sudah pastinya mengenai berat badannya yang bertambah secara drastik daripada 57 kilogram sebelum hamil ke 105 kilogram. Sayangnya hingga kini tubuhnya agak sukar untuk kembali kepada berat sebelum hamil walaupun sudah melalui pelbagai perkara.

Anak bongsu daripada lapan beradik, Retna berkata, beliau mendapat kembar daripada sebelah ibunya. Ibu saudaranya yang kini berusia lingkungan 80 tahun, bukan saja memiliki 16 orang anak, tetapi berpengalaman melalui dua kali kelahiran kembar dua dan sekali kembar tiga.

Sayangnya daripada jumlah berkenaan hanya sembilan saja yang hidup hingga dewasa, selebihnya meninggal dunia beberapa hari atau bulan dilahirkan, mungkin juga kerana tahap kesihatan penjagaan ibu dan anak yang masih rendah pada ketika itu.

“Dalam ramai adik beradik, hanya saya yang ada kembar. Walaupun adik beradik lain menyatakan rasa cemburunya kepada kami, apabila melihat kerenah lasak mereka berdua, mereka terpaksa bersyukur saja dengan apa yang dimilikinya itu,” katanya tersenyum manis.

Menyentuh mengenai anaknya yang tidak fasih berbahasa Melayu, Retna berkata, keadaan itu berlaku kerana sebelum berpindah ke Puchong beliau menetap di Kuala Lumpur dengan dikelilingi jiran tetangga yang semuanya terdiri daripada warga luar yang menyebabkan anaknya perlu berbahasa Inggeris.

“Sejak berpindah ke Puchong, Selangor, saya dapati bersekolah berhampiran rumah lebih baik daripada yang terlalu jauh, lantas menghantarnya ke Sekolah Kebangsaan Jenis Cina Ladang Harcroft, Puchong. Bercampur dengan rakan-rakan Cina menjadikan beliau amat fasih berbahasa Cina dan Inggeris.

“Sungguhpun tidak begitu lancar berbahasa Melayu, tetapi saya percaya mereka faham kerana sebelum ini juga pembantu rumah saya daripada keturunan Indonesia. Lagipun bahasa Melayu tidak terlalu sukar dipelajari dan saya yakin lambat laun mereka akan tahu juga,” katanya.

[Berita Harian] Muzik Mampu Satukan Elijah, Ariel

Did not plan for this, thought it was a minor photoshoot for our kids @ Berita Harian, it turned out to be an article....

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Gathering, Gathering Not?

BTW, I think the cancellation is a bit "potong stim"....

Shall we just have small group meet like makan-makan?

Suggest we could makan at Food Republic Pavilion KL, very nice environment, reasonable price.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sat Gathering

Got a call from See Khoon during lunch that to defer the gathering to July. He also suggested that to have the gathering at a park or alike instead so to entertain the children. :-) Good thoughts See Khoon.

Please share with us for more details later.

But, I think regular gathering like two or three families can go on this month if you guys have the time on Sat. I am around most of the time.

Just mid July to beginning of Aug, we will be involved in the Malakoff University Duathlon Series 2008.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This Saturday, June 21, 2008? [Updated]

Thanks Hoi Yan for fast response.

Just remember that we have a children sex education seminar to attend @ 6pm. But, no worry. We could skip that so we could meet!

Will post the address + map up soon.

Monday, June 16, 2008

This Saturday, June 21, 2008?

Shall we just have a short makan-makan this Saturday?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Scott S10, Finally

Size view.

Official shot.

Finally got the Scott S10 from Bike Pro on Wednesday. Went there during office hours & thought would be quiet, easier to find one bike that suits me. However, the place was packed with road bikers, mountain bikers.

It is a scaled down version with tyres and gear changed, so that I could get it at a lower price. Inflation & price hike, got to spend carefully.

rear light for night cycling.

CATEYE wireless speedometer that tells time, distance, speed etc.

Shimano gear for the front.

Got the L size frame.

Been going on a ride with Retna around our house. Quite dangerous as have to watch out for cars, "blind" & arrogant drivers.

Really looking forward to MUDS.

Friday, June 13, 2008

I DU, Do You?

Have decided to participate in the duathlon open series for the first time. It involves running, cycling & then running.

Not too sure whether to do July 19, 26 or Aug 2....

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Let's Start Small?

Looks like the favourite date is on the 3rd Sat of June.

If let say not everyone can make it, you are more than welcome to come our home at any Saturday for hang out, chat & let the kids to play.

What you say?

Monday, June 9, 2008

Quite Fun Time @ Sentosa Island

Traveled with Aeroline for the first time, tag line "The Convenient Way to FLY". Packaged as an aircraft concept with in-house entertainment & F&B.

However, not the best way, if traveling with our two boys who are unable to sleep throughout the journey and kept on asking us, "are we there yet?"

When we decided to ignored them, they approached the steward & driver the same question. They seems quite patience in answering their request.

Lunch @ Food Republic. A food emporium which is also available in Pavilion KL

Reached Singapore at 2:30pm, exactly 5 hours. You now know why I said not the best way to travel when young kids. Stopped at Harbour Front of which is also the place where Star Cruises are. We then walked over to Vivo City for late lunch @ Food Republic. Good selection of food, but mainly local cuisine. Ariel & Elijah are Toast Box's fans. Tried hard to convinced them to try other thing as TB is available in KL. Anyway, Retna & I had the beef noodles, pork ball noodles and Fried Hokkien Mee.
Ariel holding on to the bar while the monorail moved.

Elijah wondering around bored & tired after the long traveling.

We then asked around for assistance on how to get to Sentosa Island. Anyway, it was quite easy, just took the Monorail or Sentosa Express at Vico City [next to Food Republic]. If you are guests of hotels or resorts, you got to ride the Monorail FOC. Otherwise it is SGD3.

Arrived at Beach Station and could not wait for the beach trams especially under the hot sun, we opt for Sentosa shuttle bus instead. However, we have to walk for about 15mins after we got off the bus stop.

View from the room, facing the Sentosa's famous Siloso Beach. Just found out it is a place of young male & female hang outs. Will check whether this is the place where gay/lesbian party held.

Quite a nice walk although it was under the hot sun as we were ushered by the deep forest filled with trees [despite Elijah whining throughout the walk]......

Walkway to reception @ Siloso Beach Resort, what do you think? Quite green?

Once arrived, our children immediately told us that they need to be refreshed. I asked them do they need a bath? They told me, "we need to swim,"

About 5 storey of hotel rooms. Quite occupancy during the school holiday.

After the swim, we again walked back to the bus station & went back to Vivo City for the first round of shopping hunt. :-)

More, later.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Just got back from the Sentosa Island, Singapore; we were there for the school holiday - Thur - Sat. So can have Sun for rest or recover before the school & back to work.

Will post more later. Downloading & organsing the pictures now.

BTW, may I know how many could come for the gathering & no. of pax? Can I suggest you leave the comment here?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

3rd Sat 第三个星期六?

Wow, everyone seems to be growing well [I mean business & career]..... So busy.

3rd Sat seems to be the preference as of now.... Will decide the actual date later this week, ok?

BTW, good to see so many of you checking this site for the information. Any suggestions on what else to include here?

Monday, June 2, 2008

Gathering Update 1

There has been mixture of date preference - either 2nd or 3rd week of June.... Can we have a poll? :-)

Nasi Kerabu

Pix of how nasi kerabu looks like. I will find out from the seller how much is the price per pax.

Don't worry if you do not like beef, we can also ask for chicken [grilled, fried, curry etc] or fish, even mutton.

[pix courtesy of]

Saturday, May 31, 2008

What to Sell > Brand New Samsung Digital Still Camera L100

Little for sale advert here. Have bought a Samsung digital still camera while I was in Johor Bahru last week. Bought it because do not have a camera with me [everyone forgot to bring a camera!].

However, we found a camera after I bought this camera. So it has never been used, brand new. It is Samsung L100, bought it @ RM650. Can let go @ RM550, with 2GB SD card [can take take more than 900+ pix with highest setting]. Know you are going to ask, yes, it is still open for negotiation.

Some basic specs:-
1. 8.2 mega pixel
2. Digital image stabilization
3. Face detection [thought this cool & value for money with this price range!]
4. Auto macro, if you like to take close up shoot
5. Others

For full specifications, you can find it here.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Makan-Makan in June 08

Got a few caterer contacts of which we could possibly order the food on the coming June 08 gathering. Some choices are:-
1. Nasi dagang & nasi kelabu [East Coast style, healthy & suitable for kids]
2. Nasi tomato / briyani
3. Regular Malaysian buffet/hi-tea

Budget at RM10 - RM15 per pax?

Sunday, May 25, 2008

I am back!

Several months of preparation..... Retna and I did it. We went for the Malakoff Charity Ride 2008 from May 17 - 19 [yes, it was Wesak Day].

Left the children behind for 3 days with my mother & mother-in-law [want to share tips on how to handle when both mothers are together?].

Can you see me?

I am sure you can, with all the fat in the belly.....

:- )

See you all soon in the upcoming gathering.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Harvey Norman [Update 3]

Got a call from Harvey Norman on the compensated fridge - Toshiba, about 1.5k lesser than our original fridge. We will writing to Harvey Norman to compensate cash or voucher instead.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Harvey Norman [update 1]

Got a call from Harvey Norman this morning about the contractor agreeing to compensate us with a new refrigerator - however won't be the same brand, nor to the same amount & neither to what we requested [if we do have that option]. 

Got to wait for few more days before knowing what will be the outcome. 

Will update again later. 

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Baby Bugs + Our Kids

Heard the meowing for couple of days, Retna told me there was a new born kitten behind the house.  After several days of consideration, decided to go to back and collected the kitten.  

Baby Bugs [name given by Elijah, was struggling between James, Thomas..... until we told him she is a girl], brought back to out house on Thursday.   

Besides to having her be out children's first cat & second companion after Jackie [our existing dog], we let Jackie to experience her feminine side of being a mother.  Off course Retna's intention is to train Jackie not to harm cats as our neighborhood is occupied by many cats. 

I noticed few things after Baby Bugs came to our house, especially on our children:- 
1. They play "softer" now, not as rude 

2. Brings joy to the children and also letting them play with an animal that is much smaller than Jackie.  As you can see from the picture, Jackie is many times bigger than Baby Bugs 

3. They speak much gentle, they learn to apologise to each other, this is new 

Share your moments of joy with your animal friends in the comment section.  


Saturday, March 8, 2008

Beware [2] Harvey Norman

Our Whirlpool refrigerator has been sent for fixing for the 3rd time now.  Look at the pictures in the right, you can see clearly that the fridge is badly dented.  

We got the extended 5-year warranty from Harvey Norman.  This is the 2nd time we are using the warranty service by Harvey Norman of which the first warranty was done by Whirlpool.  

We have filed our complaint in the past on about the Harvey Norman contractor professionalism [the unit being carried back without any wrapper nor bubble wrap & the top part of the door was badly dented when being transported back to us the last time].  We thought it has improved, obviously it got worse.  

Saw the unit transported in a mini van of which no wrap-around nor bubble wrap and badly scratched.....  Guess what the technicians actually told us that they will get us a replacement unit as they thought this fridge cost RM1k plus....  I told them it was above RM3k.  They were trying to convince Retna that these dents are small matter, we should take it as the fridge is working now.....  :-( 

Preparing some documents to be submitted to Harvey Norman.  Will update again. 

Beware [1] Mid Valley > Child Molester!

I was at Mid Valley on Thur, Mar 6, 08 with my mom, Ariel & Elijah searching for places to fix Retna's glasses and at the same time to search for a pair of small portable pc speaker for my MacBook. 

While waiting for 3M Trading [level 2 IT World @ Mid Valley], Elijah wanted to go to the toilet, so my mom took him.  My mom waited for him while he was in the male toilet, she heard Elijah screamed, "Stop, don't catch me.  I will call my father," my mother went in there & saw the Malay male [mid 20s was holding Elijah's arm].  He ran out when he saw my mom.  

[The toilet entrance is between Amarin Thai & Machines]

We then went to the customer service counter, of which there was no one presence, so called the general line of which went into the automated voice reply.  

This immediately brought up two very important messages:- 
1. It is not safe, even in Mid Valley 
> Have heard many incidents in the past about the security in Mid Valley.  Never bother too much until this happened 

2. Child Molester, is everywhere 
> My mom [a Parkinson patient] was having difficulty in identifying the "molester", or he could just look normal, like all of us 
> Do not let your child enter the toilet all by himself or herself 

Praise & thank God that Elijah is safe. 


Voting Day > March 8, 2008

Just did my bit with brother & mom at about 11am.  

To find out where you have to vote here

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Toast Box, Should Try!

Was at Toast Box @ Pavilion KL yesterday. 

The peanut butter toast is the greatest! 

Please E-Mail Pictures Taken?

Hey guys, 

Please send me the pictures taken at Jade's home lah..... 

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Great Time

Apology for not able to make it. Pls e-mail me the pictures so I could upload them here.

I was at a PDA users monthly gathering of which started later at 7pm. This meeting was arranged about a month earlier.

Thanks Jade for the call, I left my Celcom's line in my bag that was why did not hear the ringing.

Hope everyone has had a good time.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Gong Xi Gathering @ Jade's Place

Got an SMS from Hoi Yan that there will be a gathering on this Sat, Feb 16 @ 7pm @ Jade's place. 

Text Hoi Yan for address. 

I will be attending another gathering from 5pm-7pm.....  Will try to come.  Thanks for organising this.  :-) 

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Mac > First Impression After 1-Week

Officially, I am now using the MacBook for a week now.

Let's share the reasons that caused the switch:-
1. Changed of operating system
Tired of Microsoft operating system. Not dare to try Linux platform yet. So go ahead with Mac. Anyway, so far Leopard still encounter program close unexpectedly.

2. Ease of Use
I must say that the MacBook is not exactly easiest to handle or to get used to. It took me some time, even until now to know where things are.

Keynote & NeoOffice are both good applications. But I think Office has just made things much easier to handle or to master.

3. Outlook
I think the MacBook design is great but I miss the following things that I have in my Fujitsu:-
a. Memory card reader
b. VGA port
c. synchronization with my O2 & Palm..... This is the biggest headache at the moment. But found ways to communicate between Palm & MacBook. O2, will search online further.

4. Battery Life
This is one thing I like about the MacBook.

Will post more feedback & pictures later.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


After much consideration, I switched to Apple Mac few days ago.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ups & Downs

Tuesday's market share & composite index dropped to the panic button level.  Went to Old Klang Road for Bak Ku Teh last night.  Driving to OKR from Puchong was surprisingly smooth with very low traffic on the road.  

The Fatty Bak Ku Teh that many like was also rather empty during dinner hours.  Retna and I could possible think of 2 reasons - Thaipusam [even non Indian also participate in Kavadi, so must be reasting & remained as vegetarian] & recession-feel is here. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wishlist, Interim Health Minister

I have a wishlist for our interim health minister:- 

1. Please ban smoking in public area! 

2. Please ban smoking in school surrounding [this is in place but where's the enforcement?] 

3. Please ban smoking at home, especially parents with children 

4. Please ban smoking in toilet!  This got to stop 

5. Please seriously look into banning smoking..... 

You Watched Brokeback Mountain?

If you have not, consider to do it.  

Only available in DVD, as the movie was banned in Malaysia.  He is the main actor in Knight's Tale & Monster Ball. 

The Oscar best actor nominee Heath Ledger from Australia just died.  At 28, left behind ex-girl friend a 2 year old daughter.  Watched the CNN earlier & caused of death was overdosed. 

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Letter to Columbia Asia

Columbia Asia Sdn Bhd

No. 1, Lebuh Puteri

Bandar Puteri Puchong

47100 Puchong


Tel: 03.8064.8688 Fax: 03.8064.8788

Dear Sir/Madam,

My Visit to Columbia Asia Medical Center Puchong [CAMCP]

I came to CAMCP today at 6:45am to seek medical treatment on diarrhoea and sore throat. The medical officer attended to my case was Dr. T Saravanan. Some of the unpleasant experiences that I encountered while at CAMCP:-

  1. There is no clear sign of entrance to outpatient section of CAMCP. Or, CAMCP does not handle outpatient?

  1. No one presence at the registration counter when I walked into the emergency ward. I had not been sleeping that well, due to diarrhoea; thus walking around to seek for assistance in a premier medical center was totally unacceptable

  1. I was attended by a Malay gentlemen for the body temperature, BP & heart rate check; immediately next to me was a group of nurses and medical aids in the private chat. At the same time, the nurses also corrected the Malay gentlemen on how to handle the BP reader that was used on me. Aren’t medical aid should be trained before getting in contact with patient? Being charged at premium prices, but with government hospital treatment?

  1. Privacy should be a key in your medical center. While CAMCP emergency unit might be quiet as there wasn’t any case while I was there, I think I deserve some privacy and quietness while my BP and heart rate are being checked [nurses on loud private chat]. Some suggestions:-

» Pull the curtain

» Stop the chat and assist the patient first

  1. Got to be better patient consultation if charges are going to be high. I am doubt whether Dr. T Saravanan has examined my sore throat correctly. What could probably be seen clearly in a distance of 3 feet? I am concern whether I have been diagnosed and prescribed accurately. Furthermore, I am not sure whether the medical officers at CMACP are trained to ask the following questions related to cold, flu & diarrhoea?

» Have you been travelling to Indonesia or countries with Bird Flu? I have not been to Indonesia but I have been in contact with a client who just got back from Indonesia few days ago

» Allergy to any medication? This part is not in the registration form either

» Any one else in your family or work place that might have the same sickness?

Diarrhoea is both acute and severe as a common cause of death in developing countries [source: Wikipedia]. I am wondering why Dr. T Saravan did not offer me an injection that stops diarrhoea.

  1. Clear Instruction after consultation and prescription. I was sitting at the “patient sofa” after Dr. T Saravanan completed the “consultation”. There was no clear instruction on where I should be waiting next, where is the payment counter [although registration is the place, but it does not have cashier signage] and pharmacy

I choose CAMCP over Sunway Medical Center mainly of the traffic jam & toll charges at that time. Supposedly, I might made a wrong choice.

My first visit to CAMCP, would probably be the only.

Kind Regards,

Tan Soo Liang

Wednesday, January 16, 2008




不晓的是不是和 gathering 有关。。。。

Monday, January 7, 2008

Price Control for IT Products? Soon?

I was shopping for Brother ink cartridges at Sunway Pyramid. I initial intention was to shop at Low Yat Plaza or PJ Digital Mall, but due to distance. I decided to settled for Sunway Pyramid.

Look at the pricing for both, same product; but different price.

I shall not disclose the name of the shops that I bought these ink cartridges from. I was first walked into a shop that sells mainly printer ink cartridges & toners. The price quoted was RM58 each, the sales assistant added, "Best Buy sir".

I then visited the next shop, after several rounds of negotiation, I got three ink cartridges for RM38 each. Thinking I got a good bargain, until I walked into Harvey Norman. RM100 for 3 ink cartridges - each works to about RM33.33. I just made a bad business choice that resulted me paying extra RM14.

I forgot the government tagline - Pengguna Bijak.

A good lesson today.

Friday, January 4, 2008

1st Day @ Ladang Harcroft 哈古乐

振强&振意was first registered at Tmn Seri Rampai at OUG, that was where we used to stay.

Once moved to the new place, we have to move them to the nearest school. Suppose to have them register at Seri Sempurna [our home church school], but worry about the school fees [private school].

Ladang Harcroft 哈古乐 became our choice [Chinese school :-)] & we applied for the transfered. God answered our prayer.

Principal, Mr. Tan doing the "taklimat".....

Briefing mainly in Mandarin, resulted Retna to search for information on the leaflet instead

Ladang Harcroft indeed a nice school. Credit to IOI.

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